
Get "Lost"

Andy Rau

Over at the Contemporary Calvinist, Lee Shelton points to an article about the television show Lost, and why Christians should pay attention to it. From the article:

If Christians want to be taken seriously and not be thrown into the dustbin of history, we need to start creating meaningful “stuff” through all the different avenues available that captures the unbeliever’s attention along with fellow Christians. So often, movies are made or books are written with just Christians in mind. Jesus’ message was for the lost of this world along with the believer.

Relate the Bible and God’s Word to everyone. I don’t believe the creators of LOST expect to save anyone’s soul or even care, but it may actually stimulate more people into reading scripture and plant that needed seed more so than Bible thumping, yelling and screaming that we so often see on college campuses. At least LOST doesn’t portray Christians as wackos. LOST is a show that engages and intrigues. Why can't Christians do the same?

Lee has some additional commentary. I'd agree that Lost is fascinating; I don't think millions will be converting to Christianity through the show, but I think that the semi-spirituality it portrays is more compelling and realistic than that in films that Christians typically get excited about. A lot of Christian analysis of spiritual themes in movies doesn't go much beyond trying to figure out which character is the most blatant Christ-figure; Lost doesn't give us that sort of blunt analogy. Instead, its characters are surrounded by hints and suggestions that point to a mysterious Greater Purpose behind everything. A lot of the show's conflict revolves around whether or not the characters will step out on faith to embrace that Purpose without understanding where it will take them.

As the writers above note, it's not a specifically Christian theme--but it paints a picture of unsaved man's spiritual journey that's a bit different than what we see in more blatantly Christian productions. Given the show's immense popularity, its creators may have struck a chord.

Topics: Movies, Culture At Large, Arts & Leisure, Entertainment