Lindy West, Barbara Brown Taylor, and Embracing Our God-Given Bodies

Tamara Hill Murphy

Tamara Hill Murphy
July 6, 2017

We’ve lost track of what it means for a body to be good.

Erica Jarrett
July 7, 2017

Such an interesting subject, especially for me in the medical field. I struggle with how to think about this issue. A quick story that was eye opening to me though, the other day I asked my 5 year old daughter what her 10 favorite things in the world were. Rather than say puppies or Popsicles, she rattled off 10 activities: jumping, dancing, climbing, swinging etc. Her body and the things it could do were pure joy to her. I think this helps me get closer to an answer, it isn't that there is a perfect BMI to obtain but a question of whether our bodies can do the work and experience the pleasures for which God created them.

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