Personalizing Netflix and the danger of closed systems

John Van Sloten

Joel Schreurs
March 11, 2013

There's an old story about Harvard biologist Louis Agassiz--he once returned to his classroom after a summer break and told his students that he had spent the entire summer traveling but had only made it halfway across his backyard. I'm all for looking for God's truth wherever we can find it, but maybe there's more to explore in our own backyards (our One Book) than we have realized and we need to spend a little more time there, too.

John Van Sloten
March 11, 2013

Of course we need both Joel. A few years back a newby at our church came to faith through an advent sermon series on Bach. Six months later he came up to me looking to join a bible study, so that he could "have more with which to see God in the world." In my experience, knowing God via the book of creation drives me ever deeper into the book of the bible.

Joel Schreurs
March 12, 2013

John, didn't mean to suggest you thought otherwise :). I think I was responding to the "one book read one way" comment...but of course, in that very comment you are suggesting there is much more there than we may sometimes presume. Thanks for the article.

John Van Sloten
March 12, 2013

My penchant for hyperbole often gets me in trouble Joel. :-)

Esther Aspling
March 27, 2013

Sometimes we can be surprised by the way someone views God, and it can give a a glorious new way to see Him that we never would have seen on our own.
C.S. Lewis has a space trilogy that did that for me. I'm grateful that I took the time to explore outside my "like" zone.


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