Sarah's Payday and Learning to Hate the Game

Paul Vander Klay

May 3, 2010

And yet sometimes we are instructed to be in the game and to use our position for good. Like King David. Nevertheless, it isn't easy.

May 3, 2010

Somehow I have managed to evade riches and fame. It's not been easy, I've had to work at it. Have you sold your home and car and donated the money to the poor yet? Isn't that Jesus rule for everyone?

What about Joseph's payday, engineered by God. What about Daniel's payday? What about Mordecai's payday? In the book of Acts 120 disciples met in the upper room of a house. That's some big multi-storied house. Can we not read scripture in a nuanced, balanced way. There is nothing wrong with wealth, (or even fame for that matter), properly utilized, and for every scripture you cite extolling the virtues of poverty (and I just read James this morning ion my devotions), I can give you scriptures talking about God's material blessing and our obligation to share that material blessing.

May 4, 2010

"In some strange way Jesus seems to regard “mammon” as the currency of a rebellious age whose only value can be found by secret alms giving which translates it into a kind of hard currency that “the game” can never understand." This statement requires some very deep thought. I hope some of us take the time to devote it.
As for God calling us to wealth or to poverty, I believe the best approach would be to pay less attention to what God calls others to do and more to what he calls YOU to do. It will never be exactly the same calling for any two individuals. Much of the insanity created by religious teachings is caused by the idea that God calls everyone to do or be the same.
In this scenario, we make the assumption that having wealth necessarily draws one into "the Game." The Bible warns against wealth and "the love of money". Obviously, we are to proceed with caution! But we are NOT called to judge those who have it, or those who don't. We are only called to keep our own hearts pure.

May 7, 2010

Isn't 'The Game' just the American Dream? must be very hard being an American Christian ( something about camels & eye of the needle)? A lot easier in 3rd World or even 'Developing' countries like New Zealand ! Just watching the Benny Hinns, Creflo Dollars etc on T.V. is depressing.

May 8, 2010

All people of the world are sinners. There is no getting away from it or around it. This is fact, only in faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour can we hope to be saved.

Casting stones and speculating upon the wrong-doing of others does not bring us closer to God. It does not teach us God's love and will. It only serve to separate those who still fear from the glory that is Jesus.

People who are not there yet, will feel too inferior to be saved if we Christians cast stones.

Show patience and love as Jesus would.

Everyone has to make a living. This article does not show the incredible charitable things these people do. I know that Sarah Palin is a charitable person as well as Oprah. I'm sure the other above mentioned are also. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.

They are indeed not at fault for their popularity.

Unfortunately we are limited beings and unable to fully connect with the vast FACT that God can do ANYTHING - he can provide anything. Yet, we do not believe this will happen. We have to be active in obtaining goods to survive and also to protect and ensure survival for the future.

May 10, 2010

David is an interesting example. Participation in history is certainly mandated for us, but "the game" isn't simply history. For David participation in "the game" would surely have been to murder Saul at the opportunities seemingly afforded him by God, at least according to his lieutenants. David's character was recognized in his ability to allow the Lord to exalt him rather than taking the standard approach of grabbing the monarchy by his own hand.

I think ultimately "the game" isn't about how much money or how much power one is given, it's more about how one relates to these things and this is borne out by what we actually do with them.

Thanks for your comment. pvk

May 10, 2010

I think every culture participates in "the game" with a lot of commonality but also some distinctiveness. The American dream as understood as wanton avarice is a particularly crass manifestation of it as well as our spiritual poverty. pvk

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