Stephen Hawking and the body of Christ

Bethany Keeley-Jonker

Bethany Keeley-Jonker
July 22, 2015

A study of the people and technology that enable Stephen Hawking to do his work reveals how we all rely on community.

Doug Vande Griend
July 22, 2015

Consider this a pitch for more "rugged American individualism," a perspective rather universally disclaimed and derided by many, especially in the more progressive end of the church. And in passing by this post.

Those who in fact embrace what others deride as "individualism" tend in fact to be as or more community minded than those who see "individualism" as some sort of social disease. They know, as this article points out, that the individual is part of a community and that is just the way life is. What is different about "individualists" who don't feel compelled to deny being such, is that they focus their energies on their small scale communities first, e.g. family, neighbors, local church, local school, etc., and the large scale communities last, e.g. the world at large, federal government, denomination, national public school system.

Sadly, the population of purported "rugged individualists," who take care of themselves, their families, and their neghbors first, and clamor about how to save the world last, is diminishing. Ironically, that diminishing will ultimately lead to less real community.

April 2, 2016

In Reply to Doug Vande Griend (comment #27327)
Fascinating. That second paragraph sounds like you are quoting from a different study, is that the case?

Steve Condrey
March 14, 2018

To his credit, Hawking always acknowledged the efforts of the extensive support team that enabled him to do so much. More leaders in every field should follow the example.

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