The Best Movies of 2018

Josh Larsen

Josh Larsen
December 18, 2018

Our contributors name their favorite films of the year.

Rick Bevard
December 18, 2018

On most we can agree, but how did 'First Reformed' make this list? I found only one redeeming quality in the grating, boring, contemptable, and utterly pessimistic story. The one saving grace would be Ethan Hawke. Yet even he couldn't vindicate it. I wouldn't recommend this vapid, horrible, self loathing, and unconscientious film to an enemy much less a readership.

Josh Larsen
TC Staff
December 18, 2018

First Reformed is certainly challenging, Rick, but I too found it to be masterful, in terms of art and spiritual art in particular (it's my third favorite film of the year). Here's an appreciation of it from a Reformed pastor that you might find interesting: https://thinkchristian.reframemedia.com/a-reformed-pastor-on-first-reformed

Rick Hamme
December 18, 2018

Why didn’t you include Unbroken: Path to Redemption? As a retired Navy Chaplain working in the area of recovery from PTS and helping or youngest warriors in training to better prepare themselves against the ‘hidden wounds of war,’ this movie told ‘the rest of the story’ that ‘Hollywood’ left out! Louis Zamperini was indeed a great man, whose recovery from PTS and alcoholism was not only noteworthy, but his story is a powerful source of hope and points to the help that so many need.

Josh Larsen
TC Staff
December 18, 2018

Thanks for adding to our list, Rick!

September 20, 2021

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